You are starting counselling sessions within Happsy Hours or Happsy Line.

In order to be respectful to the students in or wanting counselling, as well as the psychologists, we ask you to read the contents of this page carefully.


  • An interview lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.
  • The student and the psychologist commit to be on time:
    • In case you are late, the psychologist will not be able to extend the planned ending time of your session.
    • If you are more than 15 minutes late (without advising the psychologist), the psychologist can use the remaining time to see another student.
  • In case of absence:
    • If you must cancel your appointment, we require 72 hours’ advance notice through your account Perfactive.
    • Failing to inform us within the time frame, Apsytude reserves the right to suspend the counselling.
  • You are free to stop the counselling at all time. It is recommended to discuss it with your psychologist in order to end what has been started.

Counseling frame and confidentiality

  • The psychologist is subject to professional confidentiality. Therefore, everything said during the sessions will remain confidential. Personal information collected during the first meeting will be kept by the association until the end of your counselling while respecting confidentiality. You will be asked to provide us with your address and the contact details of a trusted person. However, should the psychologist deem it necessary (for your own well-being and security or that of others), s·he may need to contact other health professionals. In this case, the psychologist commits to informing and discussing with you the specifics of the transmission.


  • Apsytude commits to providing counselling that is suitable and personalised and may need to direct you (with your consent) towards institutions and professionals better suited to meet your needs.


  • Student and psychologist undertake :
    • Not to have other activity in addition to the interview (checking emails, social networks, etc., for example).
    • That no third party is presentin the room and not to register the exchanges by any means.
  • For webcam consultation (Happsy Line):
    • The chosen place must be calmand without risk of being disturbed during the consultation.
    • In case a technical problem should occur and end or prevent the interview from taking place, the psychologist will suggest the postponement of the session if the interview has lasted less than 30 minutes. Otherwise, the session is considered finished.