We are sorry for not being able to offer you an immediate consultation.

You can also check out these following organizations to ask for an appointment (however, we do not know their response times):

1. Consultation with a psychologist (free of charge) :

  • Youth Listening reception center (Point Accueil Ecoute Jeunes -PAEJ): Click here to find the closest office: http://cartosantejeunes.org

  • Center for Adolescent health (Maison des adolescents – MDA) : Here to find the closest office https://anmda.fr/fr/annuaire-mda

  • The Medical and psychological center (Centre médico-psychologique – CMP), you can usually find one in your neighborhood.

And for university students :

2. You can also seek the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist, especially one approved “sector 1”, which means that you will be fully reimbursed by the health care service. To find a professional near you, check out this website: www.ameli-direct.fr

3. A healthcare professional can also provide support and listen to you by phone or chat, anywhere in France, available 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 11p.m. Check out the Youth Health Line (Fil santé jeunes) :  https://www.filsantejeunes.com – 0 800 235 236 (free number)

4. In case of emergency, go to the closest emergency service or dial 15.
If you are having suicide thoughts, call 3114: the 24/7 toll-free official and national suicide prevention number.

5. You can visit the following site to access other resources based on where you live: Soutien-etudiant-info

For the students of Skema : to access other resources you can follow the website Skema Kare, set up by your school. It provides contact persons and services in French, English, Chinese, Portuguese and Russian.

For the students of Lisaa Rennes : other resources are accessible following this link : infos Lisaa Rennes

Pour les étudiant·e·s de Skema : pour trouver d’autres ressources vous pouvez consulter le site internet de Skema Kare mis en place par votre établissement, qui met à disposition des interlocuteur·trices et des services en français, anglais, chinois, portugais et russe.